Everything you want to know about endlers brought you by Marty’s Fish
Is There Such A Thing As Endler Hybrids?
There is a possibility that Endlers may hybridize with several related species from the Poeciliidae family of livebearers including Mosquito Fish (Gambusia), Mollies, Swamp Guppies (Micropoecilia picta) or other livebearers.
The Confusion Between Pure Endlers, Hybrid Endlers and Guppies
When Endlers where first introduced into the hobby they were often thought to simply be another type of Guppy. This is understandable due to the similarities between the two species.
Are Hybrid Endlers Healthier than Fancy Guppies?
We love hybrid Endlers however we also have some nice Fancy Guppy strains as well as pure N class Endlers. We have found that the Endlers are by far easier to keep and breed over the fancy guppies.
Guppy, Endler, Hybrid; What is it?
At first glance pure or N-class Endlers look very much like wild guppies. With small spots of black and dashes of color it is easy to understand why many people get Endlers and wild Guppies confused.